
The Start of FUNK

We are a brand which has been born with a sole aim of developing Comfortable Footwear. It's time to create a new feeling.

After Studying the Current Shoe Market

Our journey began in 2015

In 2015, The Funkhyde movement started with an idea to start the Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) model for High Fashion Luxury Women’s Footwear. We are manufacturers for High Fashion Women’s Shoes, and we manufacture for huge Global Brands. We excel in In-House product development and production.

about funkhhyde
A perfect fit for your Dailywear Needs

Designed to be Comfortable

Comfort is all about that buttery feel in your Delicate Feet, that just says WOW. We purchase the costliest cloth, cushions and sole material to make life lasting shoes. We scoure the market for the best in class Shoemaking materials. Colors & Patterns that no one in the industry works with are always lying around on our designers table.

Global Good Always in our Mind

We’re just getting started

We had established from the beginning that FunkHyde will be a For-Cause brand. About 2 % of all the sales done by FunkHyde will be pumped into Global NGOs promoting education among under-privileged children. The 2% will remain forever till we exist. Hence, remember with Funkhyde you are not only buying a beautiful pair of shoes, but also contributing towards the Global Empowerment.

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On all orders above $50

Easy 30 days returns

30 days money back guarantee

International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

100% Secure Checkout

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